Santa Hustle 5K

Chicago, IL

About Santa Hustle 5K

This winter, Adrenaline Sports Management invites you to take part in a truly unique and fun 5K experience. The Santa Hustle 5K will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2011 in Lincoln Park, IL. The race will be held between Lake Shore Drive and Clark Street at 9:00 am on a course through the park. Experience the beauty of famous areas such as the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Grant and Benjamin Franklin Monuments while getting fit and going green! All participants at the Santa Hustle will receive a variety of amenities including a custom-made Santa-themed long-sleeved t-shirt. Everyone will also receive a Santa beard and hat, and will be encouraged to wear them while they run! Come out and enjoy the beauty of Chicago’s early winter and find ways to stay “Green” during the season! Participants of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Visit to learn more and to register. Contact Bryan at *NOT DISPLAYED* or *NOT DISPLAYED* with questions.