About King Media Group

King Media Group, an award-winning production company of documentaries, corporate videos, and events turns its skills toward the production of Legacy Stories. Shooting in a documentary style we’ll tell the story of the bride and groom, who they were as kids, who they are today, how they met, and their hopes and dreams, then produce the movie so it’s ready before the wedding. The process is easy: we come to you, interview the bride and groom separately, then together, shoot images of them together at a favorite venue, and accept digital photos supplied by the couple or the family. We turn that over to our master editor, along with a list of their favorite songs, who then transforms the raw materials into a finished mini documentary ready for prime time. As an HD file it’s ready to use anywhere you’d like to add the “awwww” factor. As an added feature, we can generate as many DVD copies as you might need, shrink-wrapped and ready to go as a leave-behind for family and friends. Call for a quote and we’ll show you how easy it is to create an heirloom film on the happy couple that will become a part of their family legacy--their own Legacy Story.

Event Pricing

Video and Events
Attendees: 100-20000 | $2,500 - $250,000 /event
Pricing for meetings only
Events Starting at:
Attendees: 50-24000 | Call for Price
Pricing for meetings only