US Event Photos

743 Patterson Park Ave, Baltimore, Md 21205, Baltimore, MD

About US Event Photos

National event photographers providing sophisticated experiential green screen photo booth marketing executions, from niche events to the largest public venues. Our imaging loves social media. Our photographers are hip, rock-star, high energy professionals who engage participants in your brand experience. We are Photographers that engage, interact, and excite participants. We design every part of the experience around your needs. We provide after action reports that (painstakingly) details social media impact from our photo executions. Everything is branded to you. And, we are funny. No, I mean FUNNY. Core clients are our key partners, businesses we work with throughout the United States, and (in a few cases) the world. They are HBO, AT&T, Travel and Adventure Series, Globus Family of Brands / Avalon Cruises, Arizona Office of Tourism, NBC, National / Enterprise Holdings, and Carpet One.