Funnel Cake Recess

Highland Springs, VA

About Funnel Cake Recess

Funnel Cake Recess (FCR) serves as a vessel of joy to any community it touches. FCR’s goal is to provide extra happiness to whoever partakes in the experience of service from the organization. Established from love, fairness and fun, FCR recognizes the impact and importance of the simple things that brighten lives. Community Engagement Funnel Cake Recess is an organization that thinks giving back is essential. Community service is needed, important and viewed as a part of FCR’s responsibility. Philanthropic opportunities and ideas are limitless according to FCR. Product Standard Quality is a top priority for the Funnel Cake Recess organization. FCR respects, appreciates and values its consumer, and proves it by the product it offers. Everything that makes the menu is trial tested continuously until the highest standard is reached and ready for the public.