Friends Forever Puppets

Box 387, Warburg Alberta, Warburg, AB

About Friends Forever Puppets

Ken Bishop his Friends Forever Puppets have performed at various venues throughout Canada, the States and Mexico, including the Edmonton Folk Festival, Man and His World in Montreal, Canadian National Exhibition, Children's Festivals, Gospel Jamborees and the Pacific National Exhibition. Their puppet company was formerly called the Kenuppets and they performed four days a week for five consecutive years from their castle at West Edmonton Mall. Ken's characters also starred on Storytime , a Saturday morning kids program, which aired across Canada on the CTV network for over five years. Ken has had the pleasure of working with many celebrities and singers. All of our puppets are original and at one time we owned over 350 characters. Ken has written over 100 scripts for television as well as a variety of music videos. He has taught puppetry, character development, and script writing to both adults and students in classrooms and auditorium settings. Friends Forever Puppets have performed in countless schools, jamborees, festivals and community functions with their creative talents. Believing that "laughter is the best medicine", puppets never fail to bring a smile to every face. The performances are performed in the style of a variety show with lively contemporary songs and fast action skits and dialogue by one or more puppet character hosts. This works well, especially during a festival where the audience is moving about or coming midway through a presentation. In this way people will not miss a "storyline" and can enjoy the performance at any point. These shows are designed to fit the venue with the intended audience or theme in mind. There are a multitude of characters like Stevie Wonder, Sting, the Stray Cats, Cowboy Troy, Elvis, and many others. Besides puppetry, Ken also enjoys motivational speaking to youth and adults and presenting messages of hope and encouragement which will not be forgotten. New over the past year are the dummy masks which have been introduced into the show. These will turn the quietest volunteer into a lively character and are sure to get a reaction from the audience. Always a memorable experience!