Upcoming Events

AZ Gun Show (June 2024)

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

Vendors across the U.S. will showcase a wide variety of items including modern and antique firearms, knives, hunting gear, gun parts, Native American artifacts and jewelry, mountain man items, crafts, historical memorabilia, cleaning gear, military items, a large assortment of ammunition, and other collectibles.


AZ Gun Show (August 2024)

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

Vendors across the U.S. will showcase a wide variety of items including modern and antique firearms, knives, hunting gear, gun parts, Native American artifacts and jewelry, mountain man items, crafts, historical memorabilia, cleaning gear, military items, a large assortment of ammunition, and other collectibles.


JOGS Tucson Gem and Jewelry Show Fall 2024

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

The JOGS Gem & Jewelry Show, one of the largest trade shows in the Americas, will be held in Tucson, Arizona in the fall of 2023. This highly anticipated event is the perfect opportunity for manufacturers, wholesalers, and brands to showcase their latest designs and products during a critical buying and restocking season. Join us to explore the latest trends and connect with industry professionals.


AZ Gun Show (October 2024)

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

Vendors across the U.S. will showcase a wide variety of items including modern and antique firearms, knives, hunting gear, gun parts, Native American artifacts and jewelry, mountain man items, crafts, historical memorabilia, cleaning gear, military items, a large assortment of ammunition, and other collectibles.


Quilt Craft Show 2024

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

Come join us at our Festival in Tucson - At the Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival you will find a wide variety of Sewing, Quilting, Needle-Art and Craft supply exhibits from many quality companies.


AZ Gun Show (December 2024)

3750 E. Irvington Road
Tucson AZ 85714

Vendors across the U.S. will showcase a wide variety of items including modern and antique firearms, knives, hunting gear, gun parts, Native American artifacts and jewelry, mountain man items, crafts, historical memorabilia, cleaning gear, military items, a large assortment of ammunition, and other collectibles.
