International Cigars

Minneapolis, MN

About International Cigars

International Cigars has provided fresh-rolled cigars at private events for nearly two decades! Our unique presentation method will make your private function one that is remembered by all. Our professional tobacconist will entertain and educate your guests while providing the exact smoking pleasure they seek. In addition to providing the perfect cigar for your guests, International Cigars can also provide you with your favorite smoking pleasure and ship it to you. Use our contact page to inquiry with us about your personal inventory. We also specialize in custom cigar rings!!


The perfect touch - An Eventective User from Minneapolis, Minnesota

I didn't even know I could find a person to do this! But Maria came to our wedding and was the most perfect addition to the most perfect day! Her presence was a gift from my new wife, and I could not be more pleased! She was patient and knowledgeable, and rolled my wedding cigar right in front of me! Perfect. Just perfect.