About Cigar Angels

Cigar Rolling & Concierge Services Add a note of celebration. Next-level your event. Our focus is to create a truly unique, unexpected and enjoyable experience. The addition of a cigar roller and individually trained, luxury cigar concierges are sure to please your guests by introducing and offering carefully selected premium and boutique cigars. Our cigar associates will be your host, whether the event is held at your location, or ours. Every location and event is different; our cigar catering service has the flexibility to travel and integrate, making your special occasion a stand out success. You choose between a hosted event or one where we facilitate cigar sales to interested guests. Indulge your guests, add the just right finishing touch, and include this one of a kind cigar service for your upcoming event! Markets include golf tournaments, charity fundraisers, dinners, weddings and private functions. Online branded merchandising; cigars, calendars, and other items. Advertising sponsors gain promoting not cigars, but lifestyle reflective of fun and affluence to their end user.

Event Pricing

Cigar Rolling/ Concierges 3 hours
$1,500 /event
Pricing for all event types