Tales with Tails Storytelling Programs

Rochester, MN

About Tales with Tails Storytelling Programs

If you're looking for a storytelling program that will engage, inspire and entertain listeners of all ages, then you're looking for Storyteller Kevin Strauss. Kevin's original and personal animal and adventure stories make you smile, make you think and make you look at the world in a whole new way. Kevin is the author of three books, including Tales with Tails: storytelling the wonders of the natural world (Libraries Unlimited, 2006), winner of the prestigious national 2008 Storytelling World Award. His other books include the full-color children's books Loon and Moon (Raven Productions, 2005) and The Song of the Wolf (Quixote Press). He is also the storytelling star on two CDs and two upcoming DVDs. The CDs include The Mountain Wolf's Gift (Naturestory Productions, 2003) and U Tell A Tale (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2007).