Wings and Slicks

45 Joycelyn Cres, Georgetown, ON

About Wings and Slicks

Wings and Slicks provides driving experiences in stunt and formula race cars in Canada, Texas and other venues. Every Program we offer begins with a classroom briefing to familiarize you with the track, cars and safety procedures. Before we crank the engine we allow every participant static time in the car, allowing you get comfortable before we light up the 185 HP engine in a car capable of 225KM per hour top speed. Each Session builds on the last. After your first session your brain is still processing the track, the car your shifting and speed. By the time you enter your last session you feel like a pro ready to push the limit. When it’s all done you are physically drained and feeling euphoric. Corporate Programs are designed be a memorable experience for everyone. Imagine the client or employee that says “ It’s the best corporate event I have ever attended” The event allows you and your guests a great way to socialize in an environment that is far removed from being in the offi ce. Unlike a golf outing, we keep everyone together as a group for the entire event. We will provide catering, photography with on site printing and framing and fun awards so that everyone will enjoy regardless of their driving prowess. We offer full day and half day programs with itineraries specific to your group’s requirements.